Sunday, October 9, 2011

im just filling in time

lets dare ask the serious questions
Doesn't experience..have to precede knowledge?

so what is knowledge..except a basic theory
that allows a predictive quality..of what can reasonable be
the way..that things may in time be..or were...[we take so much on faith]

dosnt inventing a new 'thing'...have its basis...
on other related knowings...a child not knowing electronics..or basic mechaninics..cant build a computer or a bridge...[would it be futile to reveal im only noting the mind imagry that appears into my mind]

i have accorded to the mind imagry...words
these words i write onto this page...but your mind reads the words
and your minds sees the your own mind

now if it was as simple as that then things would be too easy
but my word choice is limited...i can guarentee that my mind image of a chair..will realise in your mind the same chair..or the same image of god or a bridge or computer

gods uniqunesss is that he collectivly emcompasses all chairs..all meaning..was is and will be all..[you or i canm never be the 'all'..thus at best can become a part of the allness

but for now im just filling in time
reacting to the mind imagry put into my mind
from that chunk of words with which i begun this reaction..of words to the image given by other words..[without judging one more wrong or more right]

just letting the words do
as words can do;_ylt=Akey6V8cal3yjt.uiYBqcngjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20101021093214AAnzYVb

to ask is to recieve reply
you got god[ your heart and mind
heck it was his knowing..that set off the question

every because we all ready got the answer..!!

to ask the question..means we already *know the answer

look at this one

[and know you allready know..the true answer
anyhow i have taken away the names

and leave you with your own answer

[LISTEN TO IT ECHO in your own mind]
as god does his omnipresent real time update

the question?

How could God
know all there was to know
before there was anything in the Universe?


God created the universe
so god knew everything in the universe before it even was
through the experience of creating it..god is everywhere

so he sees all thats happening
and learns what he sees

god particle

Theoretically, you said the answer yourself, partly.

God (theoretically) is all knowing,
not only is it all knowing, he is infinitely infinite.

Think of it like this. Collect all the thoughts in your mind, all your experiences, all the knowledge. Imagine if everyone in the whole entire world did it.

Now imagine all of the potential worlds in the universe doing it. Now multiply that idea by infinity, and make it boundless in the term of time and space. You got god.

Like you said created in his "image". That would be with things like Kindness, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love.

But also like an image,- not the whole or real thing.

God created us to learn. As in Eccl 3:10-13

10 I have seen the occupation that God has given to the sons of mankind in which to be occupied. 11 Everything he has made pretty in its time.

Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the [true] God has made from the start to the finish.

12 I have come to know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good during one’s life; 13 and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work.

It is the gift of God.

Correspondence course?

As the nature and essence of Being is that which has given rise to all that exist and dwells therein, Being is experiencing itself experiencing itself as it experiences being in all of its materially manifested forms.

In this way, that which you are identifying as "God" is then all knowing as it is all things and is thereby experiencing all.


The concept that "God knows all" dose not apply to the future, It is a reflection that Gods knows all at this instance. More of a good manager then a profit.

An example I guess could be a box on a ups truck. Lets say this box is self aware. now this box has no idea of where it is going to end up. The driver of the truck has a destination & no absolute knowledge of weather the box is going to the "right" place in the end.

"learning" is something that doesn't apply to God. Only humans "learn", because God already knows everything.

As far as we are concerned, from our mortal perspective, He is omniscient and omnipotent. However, He was not always like that. We believe in the Law of Eternal Progression. It is summarized with the phrase "As man is, God once was; and as God is, man may become".

In other words He grew into His position and we can become like Him and grow into a similar position if we are obedient to Him and faithful throughout our mortal careers. We will know what He knows when we become like Him. Likewise, He became like His predecessor, who was His God before Him. Thus, technically, there are many Gods, but only one with whom we need be concerned.

Thus, from our perspective, there are no other Gods before Him and will be none after Him that are of any concern to us and our Salvation. He alone is in charge of that with the assistance of His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, comprising what we know as the Godhead.

I like to think of it as an eternal presidency with a president and two counselors. They are unified in purpose. Their work and glory is to bring to pass our eternal life and exaltation. Thus, they derive glory from our progress.

I know this is a lot to swallow, but it makes perfect sense to me and I am comfortable with the knowledge that it is true.

what do we know?

God is supposedly all-knowing.
collectivly..what we know..god knows

but there is more to it...under god..
knowing a tree is a tree..or knowing all about you..[or all about me]..which is just as well cause i for one am confused..[like hell]..but im glad to know the little i know..and trust the all living all loving logic and reveal the delight via love..via life finding realising its finding the we from the one that calls himself me..[as in the i am god [good] being.]

""we are supposedly created in the image and likeness of God,""

and this can get to be confusing..on the way to being confused.. right?

what is it to be his image
or indeed you in his image

what in-deed is im-age
yes we are the egg of our mother
we are living via the LIVING sperm of our father
we like our in the likeness of those living before us

we live in the image of him who lived before them
the living god..made living life..[science reveals life copmes from life]

and life is about learning...L-earning
And, the way we learn..what we know is through our experiences,
both individually and collectively...[individually your me..but collectivly;..once we achieve the needed step of atonenment..[at-one-meant]..we self realise the truths collectivly..of all we were or ever could 'be'

We learn from our mistakes.
We learn from our "sins."

we learn that one man's sin is another mans love
some love to learn..others love to teach..but to each is whom we will reach...we arnt really what we p-reach...we are what we think to teach

So, how did God learn everything?
your doing it right now...we dont yet know everything
but know that all living lives because o emmanuel[god with us]
god lives within EVERY living thing[omni[present]

our experience IS gods experiences
WHAT WE DO or did to or for the least
WE do or didnt do for the most...[god]

there is no life living..that god did and cobntinues to sustain its living

god is the good nurture..inherant in nature
natural god picking his own image
[and by and is good]

higher wisdom involves seeing the beauty in EVERY/thing
and the most 'ugly'..the most sinfull..YET HAS WITHIN it...'HIM..[elo-HIM]

the cause iof all AFFECT-ation

that it is
REVEALS..that what true...if only for me..or only for you
god gifts you your chose to make your own realities

how god is bored [not]

How did God learn all He needed to know to create the Universe?

is a basic question

God is God...
god doesn't "learn" anything.
That is a human characteristic....we are the the cause god

god is the way and the means
the result is us

we are confusing the cause with the affects
god is the means...that affects all living cause

if we start off with the wrong question we can only end up with the wrong answer

think on what you knew when you were 'created'
you KNEW..that you knew asked questions[to find your own answers]

we are the answer to the god question
as we learn and ask and god gets his reply

we could ask what am i..or what is god..but we dont even know for sure there is a god...[so how would god reconcile..'being god'...[ooops i done all that..was i right in doing that..or would nothing have ben better]

heck even god dont need to have all the answers
why should we..god is content to take things a moment at a time
why arnt we?

is god..the Only being who do not know need to learn.
is god indeed a 'being' opposed to ALL BEING/all seeing..all thinking
all logic all law [all light sustaining all light into logic via love]

and even the most vile LOVES its vile being

you know what 2+2 is.
Do you need to learn this?
No because you know it is so.
However in school you learned this,..but only because you did not know already.

God knows everything,[that was even from the veery first beginning
may well know the end..[if any]..but importantly..those in power..[including god]
take care of the big we little things can chose to do or undo the minutia

and therefore god..has no need to learn what he knows.
cause even him trusts us to figure it out for ourselves

Hope this helps.